Do I need braces? Crooked teeth not only affect aesthetics but also impact health.


A beautiful smile is something that everyone desires, and well-aligned teeth play a crucial role in achieving it. However, many people face the problem of crooked teeth, which not only affects their smile's appearance but also brings about oral health issues, causing a lot of trouble in their lives.

What are the causes of crooked teeth?

Congenital factors: Crooked teeth can be a result of genetic inheritance within the family. Some genetically predisposed dental problems, such as "crowded teeth," "missing teeth," and "extra teeth," can lead to congenital misalignment of teeth.

Acquired factors:

  1. Early loss of baby teeth: During the transition from baby teeth to permanent teeth, if baby teeth are lost too early or too late, it can cause permanent teeth to grow in incorrect positions, resulting in dental crowding.
  2. Wisdom teeth eruption: Due to insufficient space in the jaw, the eruption of wisdom teeth can cause neighboring teeth and front teeth to become crowded.
  3. Lifestyle habits: Prolonged thumb-sucking, mouth breathing, or the prolonged use of pacifiers during infancy and other poor lifestyle habits can exert improper forces on the teeth through oral muscles, causing tooth movement over time.
  4. Oral diseases: Certain oral conditions such as tooth decay, periodontal disease, or tooth loss due to accidents can cause neighboring teeth to shift, resulting in crooked teeth.

There are many causes of crooked teeth, and the resulting impacts are not only limited to appearance but also encompass a series of oral issues that can affect daily life.

Effects of crooked teeth

  1. Increased susceptibility to tooth decay: Crooked teeth make it easy for food debris to get stuck between teeth, and overlapping teeth make cleaning very difficult. If food debris is not properly cleaned within the crucial 72-hour period, it can lead to the formation of dental plaque, and the acids produced by plaque can erode the teeth, making them more prone to tooth decay.
  2. Causes periodontal disease: Improper cleaning of teeth, in addition to causing tooth decay, can also lead to inflamed gums and swollen gum tissue, further leading to periodontal disease, gum recession, and other issues. Periodontal disease can result in loose teeth and, in severe cases, tooth loss.
  3. Impaired bite function: Dental crowding can lead to tooth wear and incorrect bite alignment. This not only affects chewing function and digestion but also incorrect bite positions can cause temporomandibular joint pain and headaches, further impacting an individual's quality of life.
  4. Affects speech: Crooked, missing, or damaged teeth may affect the coordination between the tongue, lips, and teeth during speech, which can impact the clarity of pronunciation.
  5. Affects psychological well-being: Crooked teeth can affect an individual's self-confidence. During adolescence, individuals may feel insecure due to dental issues and may even avoid social situations. This self-consciousness and social anxiety can cause stress, lower self-esteem, and have long-term implications.

Seek professional advice from a dentist and choose the appropriate orthodontic treatment

Crooked teeth have a multifaceted impact on an individual's life. Apart from the aesthetic implications, it can also lead to oral health problems and functional impairments. Moreover, it can have negative effects on a person's psychological well-being.Therefore, if you have crooked teeth, it is recommended to seek professional help from a dentist to obtain a suitable orthodontic treatment plan.Through orthodontic treatment, the appearance and health of the teeth can be improved, boosting self-confidence. A healthy and beautiful smile can add infinite value and joy to life.